Thursday, May 21, 2009


At 2:00 this morning, May 21, 2009, at the age of 96 years old... he took his last breaths. He had his birthdays on the 19th and when mom went to check on him at CMH this morning he was not responsive. She told me while we were meeting for Danielle's birthday dinner that he was going to die probably that night or the next day. So after the dinner we drove into Bolivar and sat with him all night. Peggy, Patty, my mom and me sat around him and talked to him... holding his had and telling him that we loved him.

I curled up in a chair listening to his soft breaths to nap for a little while, Peggy and Patty started to follow suit. My mom and grandpa sat together, until she noticed his breaths were slowing. Then she crawled into the bed with him and wrapped him in a hug, telling him that it was going to be ok and that he made her life wonderful. Then she called for Patty to go get a nurse because she thought he was dying. I woke up and came to his side too as he took his final breaths. I told him it was going to be ok and that we loved him very much. He inhaled, and that was it.

There was no noise.
No movement.
No pain.
Just silence.

It was the most precious moment in my entire life.
I cried as I hugged my mom and told her that it was time for him to go meet his mom and grammy and time for him to walk in heaven. He was ready to go and though it's hard for us to accept here because we love him and want to see him everyday, it is time to let go.

He was a truly remarkable soul. My hero. My role model. He lit up the room with his smile and that twinkle in his eye. He loved his family with all of his heart. My mom was like his daughter. Chris made his so proud by fighting for our country, he would well up with pride every time he was him. He loved his girls.
Danielle and me.
We were his princesses.
All night tonight all we could talk about were the amazing memories he gave us. He made life worth living, he made it beautiful. If everything were to go wrong from here on out it would be ok because he made the ride worth while. He was truly amazing, honest, sweet, loving and stubborn :]
I will always miss him, and I know he will always be with me.
When I walk down the isle
When I have my babies
When I loose other loved ones
When I go to meet him

He is ever present.

His impact on this Earth will never end.
My children and their children will hear about what an amazing person he was. I feel sorry for the people that weren't in his life, they missed out big time. It was a privilege having his love.

Thank you to my friends, family and co workers who have made this time more bearable. I am so very lucky to have you.

I love you grandpa.
You are the closest definition to perfect I could have ever found. You love unconditionally, you smile even when you are hurting, you can brighten anyone's day. You will always hold a huge piece of my heart.
Your Lizzy

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